Static Web Design

Static websites are a simple way for businesses or individuals to reveal information about themselves or their company to the web world. As being one of the best web design companies in Chennai, we provide unique and personalized static web design with high quality at affordable prices. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for small and large companies to mark an impressive online presence with amazingly consistent static web designs.

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Features of Static Web Design

Static websites are the basic HTML websites that contain fixed information and graphics. The content of each page will not change unless updated manually by the webmaster. Static sites are easy to configure as it doesn’t require any web programming or database design. However, just as effective as the dynamic web. Our expert team at Ventra designs are engaged in creating a successful static website at an affordable price.


When it comes to security, static websites are more secure as they do not rely on CMS plugins. Static sites have low exposure to the Internet, and there is no database and no chance of making malicious requests which imply the powerful security of the standard website.


Low cost is always enough to host static sites. As static websites are basic Html files, it requires less space, which makes the hosting cheaper. And Also, for static websites, you have a highly streamlined hosting solution with fewer components, which obviously leads to lower costs.


Static sites are much faster and easier to load. This is because a static site does not generate real-time content from a database like dynamic sites, so they usually load very fast.


As for SEO, Google always prefers fast websites and keeps them high. Thus, Static sites are typically faster and the content is easily crawlable, which obviously leads to a higher ranking on the search engine result page.


As there is no database in static sites, there is no chance of database error occurs. Basic HTML files make it easy to host them anywhere on a CDN.

Our Experience

In this modern age, a website is an essential thing for businesses to sell their services and products. But for many, money is a barrier to making it possible. With this in mind, we aim to build the best website at affordable prices for those who can’t afford it. We have many years of experience in creating visually impressive, fast loading, fully functional, cost-effective, usable, and SEO friendly websites. We have successfully designed hundreds of websites from local to global customers.

Our Latest Projects


Trade Winds

Trade Winds is a stock management agency with over 15 years of industry experience.

Head Hunters Inc

Headhuntersinc  is a provider of consulting, and staffing solutions across industries.


Beehiveomr are providers of appartments and living spaces on rent with  safety and security.

Static Packages

Answers to Your Questions

What is a static website?

A static website contains Web pages with fixed content, which are usually written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and the content cannot be changed by the user who visits the site.

What is a dynamic website?

Dynamic websites rely on client-side and server-scripting languages such as JavaScript, PHP or ASP. A dynamic website can display different content and provide user interaction using advanced programming and databases. The content can be changed depending on the visitor, time of day, time zone, and other factors.

What are the advantages of using static websites?

There are many benefits to a static website other than cost. It can be developed in less time. You no longer have to worry about security or software updates. And you don’t have to worry about maintaining the content of your website directly.

I don’t have a website, which one should I prefer static or dynamic?

It depends on the needs of your business. Dynamic Websites are apt for writing blogs, e-commerce sites, calendar, to-do sites, and other types of sites which requires updating frequently. At the same time, if you only want to provide information that does not require to be constantly updated, you can choose the static website.

How are static websites different from dynamic websites?

To build a static website, you don’t require the knowledge of web programming and database design. The web pages are coded in HTML. The codes are fixed and cannot be changed. Whereas, dynamic page content changes constantly. The content is accessible from the database or content management system(CMS).

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